Saturday, August 29, 2015

My personal journey of HOPE

“But you must stay deeply rooted and firm in your faith. You must not lose the HOPE you received when you heard the good news. It was preached to everyone on earth and I myself have become a servant of this message.” Colossians 1:23 CEV

               The night I was saved by Grace also happened to be my first of many trips to the emergency room for my now terminal lung condition. God had been restoring my HOPE as I fell in love with Him but that night as the chest pains increased, my breathe decreased and panic was on the verge of setting in; I was left wondering if my new faith was useless. After the year I had with my abusive, mentally ill husband I could have easily believed that my medical troubles were divine retribution. 

But GOD. 

God placed an amazing couple in my life that were His hands and feet ushering me to that saving faith and the husband was the first to speak to me about Spiritual Warfare and what my medical trails, as I started my faith journey, meant. The enemy of our souls hated the fact that I had let Jesus into my heart; the enemy knew God had a plan for my life that would mean trouble for him. Kirk told me that every morning I woke up and was able to put my feet on the ground I was stomping on the enemy’s head. God equips and empowers us through His word but also through those He places in our lives and Kirk helped me understand that I had received the ultimate HOPE in the Gospel and whatever trail I faced on earth was only helping me be a servant of that message.

 I have my moments were my health trails bum me out, moments when I throw pity parties and tantrums because life isn’t happening the way it “normally” happens for someone my age but I am proud of the work God has done in my heart and those moments are few and far between and when they happen they never last. I am blessed to have this faith, because I am willing to let go of what I want or think I should get and let God work in and thru me however He sees fit.

               The commentary notes for this verse in my New Spirit Filled Life study Bible (NKJV) state, “We are FREE to focus our minds on God and the things that are important to Him. Be assured that, In Jesus, your salvation is complete, lacking nothing.” Paul is writing to the Colossians and all believers and is confident the Colossians will not deny their faith. I hear urgency in Paul’s voice; he is desperate for us to remain faithful I too have that urgency and I know it is another reason God has called me to share our story. 


  1. Thanks for,sharing the verse and your story! Both are very encouraging and inspiring. Hope-filled :)

  2. Father God in heaven, we thank You for Your outpouring love for Melis, We want to praise You as Melis let go let You to take control of her life. We give You glory for her unwavering faith in You, again and again we are encouraged by her blog, we pray that whoever read it will be filled with Hope in You as well. You alone are God of in our hearts, You are the keeper and king of our souls. We love you and pray all these in Jesus most gracious name, Amen.

  3. Lovely! Powerful and hope-filled.
